There is a better way.
That is Functional Medicine.
Meet Dr. Akiko Matsumoto
Dr. Matsumoto graduated Tottori University School of Medicine in Japan in March 1992.
She worked as a resident of internal Medicine in Hiroshima University in Japan for 2 years.
Then she worked as a Internal Medicine and digestive doctor especially as an endoscopist for 14years in Japan.
She came to USA because of her husband's job, and started to learn functional medicine.
Started to work as a health coach since 2014.
She got certification of International Kinesiology College(IKC) "Touch for Health I to IV and goal setting and metaphor" in 2020, and certification of the Institute for Functional Medicine(IFM) in 2021.
I DO NOT have medical license in US.
I DO NOT prescribe any medication.
My Journey
I was overweight when I was teen and I could not lose my weight. After I started my carrier as a medical doctor, I became lean because I was too busy and didn't have enough time to eat. After I came to US, I always stayed at home with my son, and gained weight. Then I started to study of human body system like a student and lose some weight without stress.
At the same time, I remember what I did in Japan. I recommended to patients lose weight, but most of them failed. I prescribed some medicines to lower lipids, blood pressure, blood sugar, to release reflux symptoms, control asthma or nasal allergy, rheumatoid arthritis and so on. But I was always wondering the medicine was not very useful for cure. But I didn't have time nor knowledge about how to be healthy at that time.
I studied Functional Medicine and started to counselling Japanese People on the internet.
Some become better only Diet and Lifestyle, some needs some supplements but identify the root cause and approach to them were pretty effective.
Now I learned Kinesiology that helps more. Your body(muscle) knows everything!
Even if you have fatigue, chronic pain, asthma, atopic dermatitis, migraines, IBS, PMS or other condition, when you identify the root cause, you can take a steps to heal. Let's have a nice journey to heal your body!